4ursurvival Blog
When to use a mask
When to use a maskWhen and how to wear medical masks to protect against coronavirus?Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.To remove the mask: remove it from
4th May 2020
How does COVID-19 Spread?
People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhale
9th Mar 2020